#1 Online Resource for Family Friendly events in Tri-Cities, WA
Are there any Mommy & Me groups in the Tricities? Yes!
(Mothers of Preschoolers)
MOPS (Mothers of Preschool Students) & Moms Next (Mothers of School aged children)
Have you ever wanted to try MOPS its a great way for moms to connect!
What is MOPS? MOPS is a grassroots movement that believes moms are world influencers. We also believe that incubating hearts and giving just-because-hugs can change the course of history. That’s why we connect moms all over the world to a community of women, in their own neighborhoods, who meet together to laugh, cry and embrace the journey of motherhood. MOPS groups are rallying women to be more honest, to feel more equipped and to find our identity by journeying along side one another. MOPS stands for Mothers of Preschoolers, and by preschoolers we mean kiddos from birth through kindergarten. We know it's a little confusing so let's just stick with "MOPS." We are moms, and we believe that better moms make a better world. Moms Next are mothers of school aged children.
For more information about mops go to : https://www.mops.org/about
Where do I find a MOPS location? http://www.mops.org/groupsearch
Catholic Child & Family Services
(2 programs are available)
A. Play & learn program catered to children from newborn to age 5. Children will have fun singing songs, telling stories, reading books, creating art and playing. Play & learn session in English will be held on Tuesdays at St. Joseph's family center. Please Follow link for times and locations. The play & learn groups can be attended by any parent or child caregiver with the child. If the caregiver is caring for multiple children at the same time, they can bring them as long as they bring someone between the ages of birth the 5. Attendees will need to complete a registration form at the beginning of the session.
B. Mom's support group a weekly mom's support group geared towards young moms who are in need of some extra support. We build community through sharing a meal with one another, sharing our weekly highs and lows and offering a bit of education, resources, and activities for these moms to better support their families. The group is held at St. Joseph family center located at 811 vineyard dr. Kennewick. Mom's participating in this support group should be between 14 - 21 with children prenatal through age 5. Attendees will need to complete an intake with our community resource expert.Schedule for playgroups above sometimes vary based on need.
Stroller Strides® is a stroller-based fitness program designed for moms with little ones. Each 60-minute, total body workout incorporates power walking, strength, toning, songs and activities. Certified fitness instructors offer a variety of fun class formats both indoors and outdoors. All locations also offer a free playgroup with Our Village so moms can form lasting friendships with other moms through organized playdates, moms' nights out, and activities for the whole family. Follow their facebook page for playdates. Village play dates are free and open to everyone, member or not!
Edith Bishel Center for the blind Playgroup
For families and their infants/toddlers/preschoolers who are blind or visually impaired. During every playgroup, we will have a music circle, activities to explore learning without vision, and ways to incorporate them into your family routine. We also will be providing a snack for the children and adults. Playgroups are casual events designed to help families meet and connect with other parents just like you! RSVP or questions contact either:
Daniel Lipparelli daniel@edithbishelcenter.org 509-735-0699
Linda McFall linda.McFall@ksd.org 509-222-5931
Sheila Turner shelia@edithbishelcenter.org 509-735-0699
Down Syndrome Association of Mid-columbia
The goals of DSAMC are to help create new dreams for families with children born with Down syndrome and motivate inspired thinking within the community to realize the potential of children and adults with Down syndrome. The Association intends to raise expectations for children with Down syndrome through awareness and information. We will spread a message of acceptance and inclusion. DSAMC is dedicated to provide the Mid-Columbia Region of Washington State with updated information, research, and education about Down syndrome. In the future, DSAMC will sponsor local events, host guest speakers, and hold advocacy conferences. New dreams for people with Down syndrome will be achieved through our efforts.
The Arc of TriCities
The Arc of Tri-Cities vision is to empower everyone with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) to make informed choices. Thereby they will become independent, productive people fully integrated in their communities and in the fabric of society. Through programs, services and supports, persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities will be viewed as people first to achieve their full human potential.