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Image by Melissa Askew

Every Kid Outdoors

Do you have a current or incoming 4th? Be sure to get their free National parks pass. You and your family get free access to hundreds of parks, lands, and waters for an entire year. It's super easy to access just enter your city, print and explore away! 

Get your 4th grade pass here. 

Image by Cam Adams

State Park Free Days

 Washington State Parks fee free days are:

  • January 16 – Martin Luther King, Jr. Day  

  • April 22 – First Day of National Park Week  

  • August 4 – Great American Outdoors Day  

  • September 23 – National Public Lands Day  

  • November 11 – Veterans Day  

Image by Alice Triquet

National Park Free Days

  • January 17: 

  • April 16:

  • August 4: 

  • September 24:

  • November 11:


Learn about lifetime disability pass!

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