#1 Online Resource for Family Friendly events in Tri-Cities, WA
(Please review the map for lighting start days, times, and radio station if it applies it will be on the map)
I will be adding homes to the map until December 15.
Holiday Lights Summary
Self Guided Tours
TriCities Family Fun Holiday Lights Map Over 400 homes are participating in our community. About 200 are listed by physical address, and the rest are clearly marked by neighborhood. Please view the map comments as some homes include a radio station and possible weather condition closures. As an option, the TriCities Family Fun Holiday Lights includes an array of surrounding holiday lights maps as well. Please use the links provided on the map to access the additional maps.
Desert Plateau Neighborhood Luminaria
Christmas Trees
Looking for a Fresh Christmas tree this year? Try a few options below
Farmer's Exchange
Eagle Rock
Angel Brook Farms
Macs garden in Pasco on court street
Beaver Bark
Queensgate gardens
Heritage Nursery and Garden Center
Costco (for a limited time)
Rite Aid each location varies
Home Depot
Fred Meyer
Yokes Market
Walgreens each location varies
The following places typically have trees also but I don't confirm nonprofit company yearly
Kicker Trees on Sandifur Parkway in Pasco near Broadmoor mall
Comer of Stevens and Lee in Richland
The Uptown in Richland
16. St. Joseph's in Kennewick
Columbia Drive near USA Auto Sales
Columbia Center mall parking lot
Goodwill parking lot on Court Street in Pasco
Columbia Grain and Feed in Pasco
Lifequest Fitness Parking lot in Pasco
Short Drive
Holiday Lights
Toppenish Holiday Lights Parade
* Sit and watch
Yakima State Fair Drive-Thru Holiday Light Fest
*Guided Drive-Thru Lights Tour
Hermiston Drive-Thru Lights Tour
Walla Walla Holiday Parade of Lights
* Self-Guided Drive-Thru Lights Tour
* Sit and watch
*Due to weather unpredictable road and weather conditions, events get created and canceled at the last minute so please check the event before you head out.
Google Maps Mini-Tutorial

Step 1 Click the bottom Legend to view all homes they are separated by city and some by neighborhood. You can choose which ones you can view.

Step 3 Click Start to get directions to location of choice

Step 2 find a home and click to see details and get directions