#1 Online Resource for Family Friendly events in Tri-Cities, WA
About Us
Tri-Cities, WA #1 online resource for family friendly events and recreation for our community.
TriCities Family Fun originated from a Facebook page I decided to start in 2013 to provide Tricities families a compilation of family events occurring in our area (Pasco, Kennewick, Richland) and surrounding areas. After several years of searching and finding activities to do, I noted other parents had the exact same frustration as I did. There were tons of activities occurring regularly but it was difficult to find family friendly activities; specifically events catering to children. Shortly after starting the FB page, I decided to expand on the concept and I started the TriCities Family Fun website.
TriCities Family Fun website is an expansion and collaborative effort with Tricities Family Fun Facebook Page. The TFF website allows me to provide a broader compilation of family activities available in our area but also simplifies the interface and makes topics easier to navigate through. TFF website includes an array of information from events, family vacation ideas, parks & recreational activities, birthday party options, educational opportunities, and other helpful resources available in and around our community for the whole family. The events and activities cater to a wide range of children from infant to teens and their families. I gather all the information based off of events I research for my own children. Events change regularly so as a rule of thumb I recommend if you are going a great distance to join an event, please call the day prior or check the event link to make sure nothing has changed.
From one parent to another, I hope to alleviate the frustration of trying to decipher what & where events are happening. I do not manage events for any business posted. If there are any further details you need, please utilize the linked information provided and message or call the businesses creating the events to get better clarification. I do my best to follow events until the day they happen but events do get cancelled last minute so again please call or check the businesses page to ensure that the event is moving forward as planned. If the event requires a ticket purchase, please buy tickets in advance if the option is available to ensure your child/ren secure a spot. Please note I do not sponsor events or get paid by anyone to promote these events.
I share and compile all the information as a way to give back to our community and our local businesses but also because I love being a parent in our community and enjoy providing great educational as well as fun outings for my kids. I hope everyone finds this page as helpful and as fun as I’ve had in making it. I will be providing a huge array of family friendly events and information as a parent from the Tri-cities. Whether you are in TriCities for a couple days or live here, I think you will find this website very useful.
I'm born and raised here but there is so much I haven't seen and I'm determined to get out explore and experience more of our part of the world. My kids are constantly coming up with new ideas that we include as part of our yearly bucket list and we are ready for all sorts of fun expeditions. If you want to follow our adventures, check out the TFF Instagram.
Don't miss a single event by becoming a subscriber! If there are any questions you may have, feel free to email me at tricitiesfamilyfun@gmail.com and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you so much and enjoy what Tri-Cities has to offer.
Best regards,
Tricities Family Fun Founder & Administrator
Tricities Family Fun
Founder: Anonymous
Family is not an important thing. It is everything!
-Michael J. Fox