#1 Online Resource for Family Friendly events in Tri-Cities, WA
I will be adding homes daily until December 15
Want to include your home on the Holiday Lights Map?
Holiday Celebrations
Find Santa Claus and his Reindeer, view the best Christmas lights in town, or start a new holiday tradition.
Below is a list of events happening this season in and around Tri-Cities.
Events will be added as I see them so please check back regularly for an updated list.
(Information for dates and details on events are available in the links below. Please review them carefully as some events require you to RSVP.)
Holiday Events
Events will be added as I see them so be sure to check back regularly.
*Please note some events require RSVP
12/14 ​
Christmas at the Hub​​
Holiday Experience
11/28 to 1/2
12/6 to 1/2
12/6 to 12/31
12/11 to 12/24 (Saturday to Sunday Red Mountain Trails: Vineyard Wagon Ride
12/12 to 12/22​: Yakima State Fair Park
Santa is coming...
Beaver Bark: 12/29 to 12/24​​
Santa's Mailbox

Burbank Library
Starting November 27 to December 13
It's that time of year! Santa is teaming up with us again this year and we will be accepting letters in our special North Pole Mailbox from November 27th through December 13th! The first 20 letters with return addresses on them will receive response letters in the mail.

Starting November 30
Senske will be collecting Santa letters in the North Pole Mailbox. Come by and help support families in our community during this special time of year by donating non-perishable food items to 2nd Harvest. We also have multiple selfie-stations set up to capture photos with friends and family. Please keep in mind sanitation best practices at selfie-stations and follow social distancing guidelines to help make the experience great for all.